What My Clients Say

Working with Jessica helped me change my mindset and build self-esteem. The EFT Tapping was very helpful in working through the hard stuff. I've also improved my health. I feel so much better and with the weight loss, I've also come off 5 medications (down to 1/2 a prescription and vitamins. Jessica is kind and supportive. The best #1 Coach.


The thing I’ve enjoyed about my coaching with Jessica. I went into it as a way to lose weight and keep it off, but I’ve learned it’s more than that. Jessica has coached me also on how to tap into myself – how to truly love myself through self-reflection, self-examination, self-care, mental wellbeing. I NEVER knew how all of this has such a great impact on maintaining my weight. I’m grateful for my coach.


About 8 years ago I started participating in Jessica’s Health Challenges and then she became my Health Coach. I learned so many things from working with her, so many healthy habits that I still do to this day. One habit I learned is the importance of proper hydration and how that affects my overall health. These days, people even call me the “water police.”


Jessica suspends judgement and doesn’t make a person feel like a failure if they make a poor choice. It taught me how to own not only my failures but also my successes. Jessica knows the struggle and challenges because she’s been there. My physician who referred me to Jessica is also thrilled that my A1C is down.


Jessica gave me the confidence that I would succeed if I just trusted the process. I love the ongoing support she's given me even after reaching my goal.


Jessica is very much worth having as a part of your new health journey. She can and will help you achieve your current goals and help you set new ones that are goals for a lifetime, lifestyle changes. Not a diet, definitely a lifestyle. Plus, I was able to include my family in the process and she helped with what would work for us all individually.
